Middelburg Karkas Beoordeling en Boeredag

Bonsmara SA was betrokke saam met Obaro by die karkasbeoordelings…

George Landbouskou in samewerking met Wes Kaap Departement van Landbou

Bonsmaras SA het diere uitgestal by die George Landbouskou wat…

Australian Tourgroup

Once again a group of farmers from Australia and New Zealand…

Suid Kaap Bonsmara Klub Boeredag, Humansdorp

Die Suid Kaap klub het weereens ‘n uitstekende boeredag aangebied…

Hoër Landbouskool Marlow

Bonsmara SA was weer soos in die verlede betrokke by Hoër Landbouskool…

Grootfontein Agricultural College

The students of the Grootfontein Agricultural College received…

Central University of Technology, Free State

Bonsmara SA gave the students of the Central University of Technology,…

Senwes Bonsmara Club Farmers’ Day

The Senwes Bonsmara Club held an excellent farmers day on Saturday…

Voorslag Farmers Supplies Farmers’ Day

Louis Steyl represented Bonsmara SA at the two-day event held…

Bonsmara Training Day

On the 23rd June the Bonsmara Society held a Bonsmara Training…